Our Team

Company Culture
Company Culture
At SALT we value our employees and are always finding new ways to create a balance between detailed and excellent work with quality time outside the office. We are a family of dedicated worker bees who know how to deliver high-quality outcomes for our clients while understanding the necessity to prioritize our lives outside of work. We enjoy making time to celebrate small or large wins (often with food), and encourage each other to push creative boundaries and exceed expectations.
At SALT we value our employees and are always finding new ways to create a balance between detailed and excellent work with quality time outside the office. We are a family of dedicated worker bees who know how to deliver high-quality outcomes for our clients while understanding the necessity to prioritize our lives outside of work. We enjoy making time to celebrate small or large wins (often with food), and encourage each other to push creative boundaries and exceed expectations.

Our Strategic Planning
SALT’s planning method is based on the Technology of Participation (ToP) Strategic Planning framework. The uniqueness of this framework is that it includes components of traditional planning approaches (long-term, project, operational planning) with a cohesive participatory process to help an organization make choices related to its overall organizational purpose. Structured participation enables deeper levels of commitment and a greater capacity for sharing wisdom and owning decisions arrived at collectively. The framework of strategic sessions allows groups to:
deal with more data in less time,
recognize and honor the contributions of all involved,
pool individual contributions into larger, more informative patterns,
foster strategic thinking that leverage creativity and wisdom,
promote high levels of group ownership for the resulting plan, and
welcomes diversity while minimizing polarization and conflict.