Our Team

Company Culture
Company Culture
At SALT we value our employees and are always finding new ways to create a balance between detailed and excellent work with quality time outside the office. We are a family of dedicated worker bees who know how to deliver high-quality outcomes for our clients while understanding the necessity to prioritize our lives outside of work. We enjoy making time to celebrate small or large wins (often with food), and encourage each other to push creative boundaries and exceed expectations.
At SALT we value our employees and are always finding new ways to create a balance between detailed and excellent work with quality time outside the office. We are a family of dedicated worker bees who know how to deliver high-quality outcomes for our clients while understanding the necessity to prioritize our lives outside of work. We enjoy making time to celebrate small or large wins (often with food), and encourage each other to push creative boundaries and exceed expectations.

Project Management
SALT has a team of proven project managers to coordinate resources and keep groups on-task in pursuit of a specific goal. Whether it be for a design project, a facilities improvement plan, a food distribution project, or any other aspirations our clients have, we will lead the team through the process. Our team of experienced project managers have the vision, organizational skills, planning and execution oversight to monitor and guide a project team through completion.

Our Work
Bethel Community Services Foundation - Aruqutet Food Distribution

Aruqutet Food
Distribution Project

Bethel Community Services Foundation SALT developed a distribution strategy that the team used to reach all 48 Calista Region Communities and Bethel. We developed and managed project brand through social media platforms, printed materials and development of a website that was kept current with distribution photos and updates. We facilitated weekly team meetings and coordinated all correspondence and compliance reports with Calista Corporation.

Bethel Community Services Foundation SALT developed a distribution strategy that the team used to reach all 48 Calista Region Communities and Bethel. We developed and managed project brand through social media platforms, printed materials and development of a website that was kept current with distribution photos and updates. We facilitated weekly team meetings and coordinated all correspondence and compliance reports with Calista Corporation.

Anchorage Community Land Trust Shared Use Kitchen

Anchorage Community Land Trust We served as project manager to develop project parameters for a new "ghost kitchen" concept for the Anchorage Market. This concept is intended to provide small business owners a rental opportunity on subscription basis that will allow them kitchen space to make large batches of food for their business. This keeps their overhead cost down and appeals to caterers, startups, food truck owners and more. The concept design work was completed in September 2022.

Anchorage Community Land Trust We served as project manager to develop project parameters for a new "ghost kitchen" concept for the Anchorage Market. This concept is intended to provide small business owners a rental opportunity on subscription basis that will allow them kitchen space to make large batches of food for their business. This keeps their overhead cost down and appeals to caterers, startups, food truck owners and more. The concept design work was completed in September 2022.

Native Village of Unalakleet Water Truck Storage Facility

Native Village of Unalakleet We are managing a project that includes design professionals tasked with identifying a suitable lot, designing a prefabricated metal storage facility to be built by a preferred contractor of NVU. The building will be used by NVU to store a water truck. In addition, SALT facilitated the research and purchase of a water truck and tank and delivered to the port of Anchorage for shipment to Unalakleet.

Native Village of Unalakleet We are managing a project that includes design professionals tasked with identifying a suitable lot, designing a prefabricated metal storage facility to be built by a preferred contractor of NVU. The building will be used by NVU to store a water truck. In addition, SALT facilitated the research and purchase of a water truck and tank and delivered to the port of Anchorage for shipment to Unalakleet.

Oruitsararmuit Native Council (ONC) Housing Plan and Implementation

ONC Since 2017, SALT has held a term contract with Oruitsararmuit Native Council (ONC) to implement their housing plan. SALT has led a multidisciplinary team to design single family housing, infrastructure and road design, design of a multifamily fourplex, bidding assistance, permitting, and construction management for all aspect of the development. In addition to project management and planning, SALT has garnered nearly $2 million in grant funding for ONC’s housing development.

ONC Since 2017, SALT has held a term contract with Oruitsararmuit Native Council (ONC) to implement their housing plan. SALT has led a multidisciplinary team to design single family housing, infrastructure and road design, design of a multifamily fourplex, bidding assistance, permitting, and construction management for all aspect of the development. In addition to project management and planning, SALT has garnered nearly $2 million in grant funding for ONC’s housing development.