Our Team

Company Culture
Company Culture
At SALT we value our employees and are always finding new ways to create a balance between detailed and excellent work with quality time outside the office. We are a family of dedicated worker bees who know how to deliver high-quality outcomes for our clients while understanding the necessity to prioritize our lives outside of work. We enjoy making time to celebrate small or large wins (often with food), and encourage each other to push creative boundaries and exceed expectations.
At SALT we value our employees and are always finding new ways to create a balance between detailed and excellent work with quality time outside the office. We are a family of dedicated worker bees who know how to deliver high-quality outcomes for our clients while understanding the necessity to prioritize our lives outside of work. We enjoy making time to celebrate small or large wins (often with food), and encourage each other to push creative boundaries and exceed expectations.

Strategic Engagement
As design thinkers, our processes apply to more than interior design services. Design thought can be applied to systems, procedures, protocols, and other customer/client experiences. We are skilled in facilitation, business/organizational planning, stakeholder engagement, project leadership, and implementation. We work with clients all over Alaska to develop strategic roadmaps in dynamic and changing times.
Who We've Worked With
Alaska Children´s Trust
Alaska Community Land Trust
Alaska Native Heritage Center
The Alaska Center
ACLU of Alaska
Anchorage Chamber of Commerce
Anchorage Downtown Partnership
Anchorage Library Foundation
Anchorage Museum
Anchorage Park Foundation
Association of Alaska Housing
Association of Village Council Presidents
Brilliant Media Strategies Alaska
Camp Fire Alaska
Catholic Social Services
Chilkoot Native Association
Chugach Corporation
City of Ketchikan
Cold Climate Housing Research Center
Coalition to End Homelessness
Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA)
Corvus Design
Covenant House Alaska
Craig Tribal Association
First National Bank of Alaska
Goldbelt Heritage Foundation
Haida Corporation
Healing Hand Foundation
Iḷisaġvik College
Klawock Cooperative Association
Mat-Su Health Foundation
Municipality of Anchorage
Native American Rights Fund
Native Village of Unalakleet
Northern Bering Sea Climate Resilience Area Tribal Advisory Committee and Coalition
Organized Village of Kaasan
Orutsararmiut Native Council (ONC)
Petersburg Indian Association
Providence Supportive Housing
Rasmuson Foundation
Recover Alaska
Sealaska, Inc.
Shaan Seet Inc.
Spruce Root
St. Mary´s Episcopal Church
Sustainable Southeast Partnership
Tlingit and Haida Regional Housing Authority
The Nature Conservancy
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Visit Anchorage
Wrangell Cooperative Association